Week of May 10th

  • Capital Budget Oversight Committee

    Capital Budget Oversight Committee

    May 10, 2024


    May 10, 2024
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
    Meeting ID: 817 0036 6888          Passcode: 685999

    In accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-20 and 940 C.M.R. 29.03, as amended by Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2022, notice is hereby given of an open meeting of the MBTA Advisory Board or one of its committees held remotely on the above-captioned date.

    1. Call to order- Susanne Rasmussen (Cambridge) - Chair
    2. Discussion and action on the minutes of the 05/03/24 meeting.
    3. Continued discussion on an approach to the MBTA FY25-29 CIP, including possible action to approve a final draft of an oversight report on behalf of the committee and a recommendation to the full advisory board to accept and approve said report.
    4. Old/New business.
    5. Adjourn

    Note: This agenda has been prepared in advance and does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. For accommodation or language assistance requests, please contact Requests should be made as soon as possible. This notice was posted on Monday, January 26, 2024 at or before 4:00 PM. A copy of this notice has been transmitted by electronic mail to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Regulations Division (

    A revised agenda was posted on 4/24/24.

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