January 2024 Newsletter

T Fare Change Review Committee The MBTA has proposed a new Low Income Fare Program. The MBTA Advisory Board has a statutory requirement to review and report on proposed MBTA fare changes. In consultation with the Chair and the officers, the Board will create an ad hoc...

Let the MBTA plan its own future

Let the MBTA plan its own future

LAST JUNE, at its last meeting, a bold vision for the future MBTA was laid out by the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB). The plan entitled “FMCB Productivity Report” leverages infrastructure investments to create a safer, more efficient, more modern,...

MBTA silver line expansion study passes two months

MBTA silver line expansion study passes two months

March 25 marked the two-month milestone of the MBTA’s Silver Line Extension Alternatives Analysis Study. According to a statement from the T on Jan. 25, the study explores expanding the Silver Line to Everett with further extension to Somerville, Sullivan and Kendall...

Mayor Wu moves to expand Boston’s free bus pilot program

Mayor Wu moves to expand Boston’s free bus pilot program

On her first full day as mayor, Wu filed an appropriation order with the Boston City Council to allocate $8 million in federal funding to expand the city's fare-free bus program. That appropriation would fund free fares for two years on three lines: the 23, the 28,...

MBTA uses ads – “Take a break from brake lights”

MBTA uses ads – “Take a break from brake lights”

“At the MBTA, we want people to Take the T. We’re reaching people on the radio before traffic reports, while sitting in highway traffic with billboards at key locations along our rail and bus system and now with gas prices at a seven-year high, we are reaching...

Baker names slate of MBTA board members (WBUR)

Baker names slate of MBTA board members (WBUR)

More than three months after the MBTA's previous board expired, Gov. Charlie Baker on Thursday brought its successor fully into existence by announcing appointees to the transportation authority's board of directors. Read more at

Statement of appointment of new MBTA Board of Directors

The MBTA Advisory Board congratulates the Baker/Polito Administration for its appointment of a new MBTA Board of Directors. “The appointment of 5 new Board of Directors today is a necessary first step towards addressing the MBTA’s numerous problems” said Executive...

Boston Region MPO—Election Process

Boston Region MPO—Election Process

Boston Region MPO—Election Process | Boston Region MPO ( Each fall, four of the 12 elected municipal members of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) are chosen by the chief elected officials of the municipalities in the region to...

Route 28 Free Fares Flyer

Route 28 Free Fares Flyer

The City of Boston is sponsoring a free fare pilot on Route 28 for three months. From August 29th to November 29th, 2021, Route 28 bus riders will be able to board buses at all doors without paying a fare. Free fares will help riders save money. All-door boarding will...

Quincy’s Mayor Koch to serve on new MBTA Board of Directors

Koch Appointed To New MBTA Board

Mayor Koch of Quincy was chosen as the new seventh member to the Board of Directors that will have oversight over the MBTA, created by legislation by Gov. Baker. Mayor Koch promised to be a strong advocate to give a voice to the cities and towns with a broad range of...

Quincy Mayor Chosen For New MBTA Board Of Directors

Quincy Mayor Chosen For New MBTA Board Of Directors

MBTA Advisory Board named Mayor Koch to the MBTA governing body. Elected Mayor of Quincy since 2007 and Chairman of the MBTA Advisory Board for the last decade. This is the MBTA's first seat at the governance table and has been without a dedicated governing body since...

Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch tapped for new MBTA board

Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch tapped for new MBTA board

Quincy Mayor Koch was elected by the MBTA Advisory Board to represent on the new MBTA Governing Board. He will be the first representative of the oversight committee by governor baker. Mayor Koch will be tasked with overseeing the transit agency and plans to visit the...

Transportation advocates urge projects for federal infrastructure bill

Transportation advocates urge projects for federal infrastructure bill

It is not clear what projects will be on the federal infrastructure bill, which is one of the largest federal investment in public transit. However, Brian Kane is optimistic that the proposed projects have potential transformative impact to the modes of service that...

Pre-tax transit benefit framed as congestion buster

Pre-tax transit benefit framed as congestion buster

Brian Kane, executive director of the MBTA Advisory Board, said the board voted in March to back the legislation, and considered it an important tool to help the MBTA bring riders back to the system and generate fare revenue that will be necessary to avoid deficits in future years.


Wear a mask to protect each other. Your cloth face covering may protect them Their cloth face covering may protect you. Wash your hands before putting on your face covering. Stay at least 6 feet away from others. Use hand sanitizer.

MBTA Advisory Board Announces New Executive Director

The MBTA Advisory Board, an independent agency overseeing MBTA finances and operations on behalf of cities and towns announced the appointment of Brian Kane as its new Executive Director. “I am grateful for the trust placed in me…

Statement on Governor Baker Proposal

The MBTA Advisory Board, an independent oversight body comprised of mayors and select board chairs supports Governor Baker’s proposal to include municipal representation on the next MBTA governing body.